Smart Number2022-10-07T07:56:10+00:00


Easy to Remember Simple to Use

A unique 4 digits phone number dialed with a star key as prefix (i.e. *2265 / *BANK)

Probably the Best Way to reach Potential Customers

Why Smart Number?


A unique Short Number that makes you outstanding and more noticeable


Best visibility and legibility potential with 600% above a regular number (10 digits)


Recall capability of 100% VS 40% and 20% for 7 and 10 digits number.


Probably the best feasible option to trigger an Immediate Reaction following promotions


More call, leads and opportunities with high conversion rate hence, more revenues.

How it works?

  • Dial the Smart Number (* key + 4 digits) from any mobile or regular phone
  • Calls instantly transferred to the business’s regular number
  • The Smart Number call and conversation is a regular telephone call
  • The service covers national calls without time limits or applied charges
  • Call charges are on-network fee base (mostly “0”)

Superior conversion rate


1 – 2%

No direct way to follow up on your potential customers

  • No direct way to follow up (in promotions)

  • Slow timely follow-up & response

  • Customer in uncertainty position

  • Conversion rate is 1%-2%





30 – 50%

Best way to follow up on your potential customers

  • Easy follow up using caller ID

  • Provides immediate response with support

  • Customer feels more safe and comfortable

  • The conversion rated of 30% – 50%

Create an unique Smart Number related to your business. Strengthen your corporate identity and customer recall

Create an unique Smart Number related to your business. Strengthen your corporate identity and customer recall

Visibility &


  • Transportation – Basses / Tracks / Official cars / Delivery scooters
  • Broadcasting media – Radio & TV commercials
  • Out-Door media – Billboards / LCD’s / Street Banners
  • In-Door Media – Train & Buss Stations / Public places / Shopping center

Implementation Process
Short, Seamless, Painless

Zero investments and trainings

Client’s systems remain untouched
Keep your workflows unchanged


Frequently asked questions

Who are the potential customers for Smart Number?2022-01-25T14:15:39+00:00

The SMART NUMBER service is aimed at business customers or public entities that have an extensive and frequent dialog with their customers.

Service oriented entities that promote their products/services through various media channels and need to attract new customers or would like to encourage existing consumers to call them more frequently.

Examples of businesses:

(Private sector): Banks; Investment houses; Insurance companies; Healthcare – medical centers and clinics;; Car rentals; Car leasing; Car dealers; Taxi companies; Bus services; Railway Deliveries; Restaurants; Ticket reservation; Service providers; Media – Newspapers, Magazines, Cable & Satellite TV; Real-estate and construction companies etc.

(Public Sector): Social security, Employment service; Road maintenance; Licensing Office; Municipalities.

Are SMART NUMBERS available and sold to individuals?2022-01-25T14:16:26+00:00

Generally, SMART NUMBERS are limited to business and public entities.

Can I choose the SMART NUMBER I like?2022-01-25T14:19:11+00:00

Absolutely, your business can choose the SMART NUMBER that meets your needs depends on availability and not in quarantine period (in case it was in use during the last 6 months)

Is there an additional cost to the consumer (caller) using SMART NUMBER?2022-01-25T14:18:47+00:00

No. The Smart Number Call is an On-Network based tariff. A consumer will pay based on the regular “on-network call fee” as per his operator’s contract tariff plan.

Do I have to change my telephone number in order to use the SMART NUMBER service?2022-01-25T14:21:47+00:00

No need to alter anything from your existing telephone system or agreement with
your network operator should your business decides to use the SMART NUMBER

Do I need to have a long number for each operator for SMART NUMBER service?2022-01-25T14:26:05+00:00

Yes. In order to dial SMART NUMBER from all Major Operators (Orange, Vodafone, RDS, Telekom Mobile, Telekom Comm.) we need to have an available long number in each operator network.

Should you do not obtain a number (contract) with all operators (or part of them) we can provide you this service.

Please Note: You may choose to implement SMART NUMBER with only part of the operators should it suits your operational needs (i.e. mobile networks only).

Do I need to have a dedicated long number for each operator SMART NUMBER?2021-12-22T21:31:41+00:00

Yes. Each SMART NUMBER number is connected to a long number in each operator network.

Does an operator need to dedicate a new line for each SMART NUMBER?2021-12-22T21:31:25+00:00

No. Each new SMART NUMBER is using the existing line the company already has and the call is just routed to it.

What are the technical limitations/problems of SMART NUMBER implementation?2022-01-25T14:22:59+00:00

There are no technical problems. Each SMART NUMBER is identified with an existing common phone number. The operation is based on the Routing tables located in the Switching system (or SMS Center). The routing tables are updated (usually through Network Operation Center) upon activation of an SMART NUMBER.

The SMART NUMBER system is fully operating for over 12 months and functions perfectly. The debugging has been finished in the early stages of system deployment.

The system provides all of the following services: voice, fax, website, email.

What is the experience with SMART NUMBER in other countries?2022-01-25T14:23:21+00:00

Smart Number introduction has been very fast and its acceptance immediate. Initially the companies advertised their SMART NUMBERS alongside their normal phone numbers. However, they switched to the exclusive use of their SMART NUMBER after a short time, being convinced of its acceptance by the customers.

Consumers have accepted the new concept of SMART NUMBER and are calling-in more. Statistics have shown an increase of greater than 20% in traffic to the SMART NUMBERS within a 3 month period. A Continuous quarterly increase in traffic of more than 15% has been observed in several consecutive quarters.

The operators are very pleased with the service as it generates more revenues for them, without any investment on their side.

What are the technical specifications / problems of SMART NUMBER implementation?2022-01-25T14:26:46+00:00

There are no technical problems known. The Smart Number will be functional as long as the connected Network Operator are functioning.

The SMART NUMBER is technically functioning as a regular long number, and will have the same functionality specification of the long number it is connected with.

Couldn’t find the answer to your question?


Reinvents customers experience


  • A unique 4 digits short telephone number dialed with “*” key (as prefix) (i.e. *2272 or *CASA)
  • Superior exposure and reach (600% more than a normal number) with 100% recall
  • Up to 35% in conversion rate vs 1% – 2% in on-line promotion
  • Simple integration and fast implementation with existing call-center system


  • AI (Artificial Intelligent) IVR voice assistance
  • Automatic voice calls response & assistant active 24/7
  • Fast determining caller’s need – time reduced by 75%
  • Shorter call duration – decreases by 50%
  • Zero out of missed calls from potential customers
  • Online report support (call and conversation detail)


  • A complete cloud base call-center solution
  • Switch caller to required destination, regardless the agent’s location
  • Ideal mix of self-service and agent assistant contact supported AI
  • Recorded conversation hosted on cloud
  • Automatic Call-Back
  • Admin, Reporting and analytics Center
  • Scalable and upgradable for future needs

Take the first step

Let’s make together your Customer Experience Smarter

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